martes, 23 de marzo de 2021

The Dessert:Harmony in Red, by Henri Matisse

Shared by Yolanda Arribas:

The Dessert:Harmony in Red, by Henri Matisse(1908)

To explain the colours and their possible combinations and mixtures we can start by remembering all the colours, and then:

1. We can start making a colour wheel where we can reflect different colours visually and observe the interrelation among them. It is divided into three groups of colours: primary, secondary and tertiary.

2. Later we can explain the colour palettes like are sets of colours with similar characteristics. 

For example: cold and warm palette.

-Blues, purples and greens form the cool palette. Cool colours are soft, calm and serene.

-Tones such as red, orange and yellow form the warm palette. Warm colours are stimulating, dynamic and aggressive.

3. Finally we can talk about creating colour mixtures like the harmony colour and colour contrast.
A harmony is a combination of colours that produces attractive and balanced colour effects.

For example the work: The Dessert: Harmony in Red by Henri Matisse.
Contrast is produced when the colours in a composition do not have anything in common with each other or any similarity. Contrast between cool and warm colours.

For example the work: Pigs, by Franz Marc.

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